Write a poem from the voice of someone who is worrying about something.

Consider the style and layout of your poem to best reflect your character's emotions and thoughts.


Tomorrow morning My fate will be sealed One way or another My mortality will be revealed It doesn’t matter if we win or lose Look at them How can they sleep so peacefully The battle of our lives In just a couple hours And they rest so easily I know why It’s because they have a choice An option If we lose they die But if we win they live I wish I was the same It doesn’t matter what happens Whether we win or lose The result stays the same I die either way Should I tell them Should I let them know That this terrible battle Will not change the fate of my soul Will it break their hearts Will they lose all hope Knowing that soon I will be toast I won’t tell them I can’t tell them I have to face my mortality alone (Based on my new book, Plaguebound)
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