Fleeting Feelings

Until I was 23 years old, I had never been romantically involved with anyone. I occasionally went on blind dates set up by family and friends but nothing serious came of it. I thought if I at least had my family and friends, I wouldn’t need to date anyone. Besides, I had my job as an architect so I was working endlessly. My job usually consists of working on projects given to my team and I to work on. It wasn't until my first day on my project’s construction site, that I was first introduced to being attracted to someone.

I was on the construction site with my team members scoping out the area and double-checking to make all the materials were correct to reduce any flaws and I realized someone had used the wrong material to build a support beam. Although this mistake is very common with construction, it is also hazardous if it is not fixed right away. I immediately run to the project manager to explain the situation to him, but before I get there, the support beams starts descending toward me.

Before I could even react, I saw a faint blurred image of a person lunging toward me, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground. I open my eyes to a dashing young man with piercing amber eyes. I don't think I've ever seen eyes as vibrant as his. It was as if I was looking directly into the sun, so bright that it hurt. I thought to myself, “I should probably look away” but I just couldn't bring myself to. How could someone attract my attention this much?

The moment he got up he started to walk away but I couldn't let go of those dazzling eyes. I wanted to see him again. No. I needed to see him again. Before I could even think of what to say the words just blurted out of my mouth, “Coffee!”. I could tell I messed up by the confused look on his face so I tried to redeem myself by saying, “Since you practically saved my life, can I take you out for coffee?”. His confused gaze turned into a soft smile and then into a light laugh. How adorable, I thought.

Waiting for his answer felt like waiting an eternity. He finally answered saying, “ Yeah that sounds great!”, followed by a chuckle. I tried to plan out the date by saying, “Ok! I was thinking maybe we-”. “Actually why don't we have dinner at my place tonight?” he interrupted. My jaw dropped as my face blushed even harder. How could someone be this forward? I didn't think I should go becauseI had just met him, but taking a look into those daring amber eyes, I couldn't help myself. So, I replied saying“Ok!”.

After work, I drove back with him to his apartment in his pickup truck. He wasn't a bad driver so that made me think he was a decent person. His apartment was also very clean but I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing because it smelled of bleach. Did he just enjoy the smell, or did he use it to clean up something messy? Throughout our whole dinner, the pungent smell kept coming back making it hard to eat.

Once we finished, I helped him do the dishes. Then he asked me if I wanted to stay longer and watch a movie. I wanted to say yes but the bleach smell left me uneasy. Even thought it was hard for me, I politely declined and apologized. As I approached the door, my stomach began to feel uneasy and my vision started to blur. Although I’m not incredibly familiar with the art of dating, I’m not completely hopeless. I know what it looks like when someone’s being drugged

Even thought it was a challenge in my drugged state, I still tried my best to reach the door. However, I was unsuccessful. Two steps in and I ended up lying on the floor. The ceiling, walls and floor were all spinning in one harmonious motion. I tried to center myself, and looked up at this man who I thought was beautiful. How could someone who once had eyes as grand as the sun, now have eyes as black as night? That is a question that will never get answered for me. Not here, not now, not ever.

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