Blinded by Lust

She’s not who she says she is

She’s made of lust and foul words on the outside

But they cut deeper than she can feel

Deep down, they dig in like a knife

Twisting inside so your guts may become infected with dirt

But she doesn’t feel it

She thinks she’s pure

Repent, repent, repent

She doesn’t see

She’s taking it for granted

And the knife won’t budge

Because it’s in too deep now

Lust and swearing

She thinks she’s clean because she asks forgiveness

She thinks she’s clean

But there’s an ache deep inside

Where the knife used to be

But it’s dissolved by now

And it’s starting to rust in her core

Fire in her stomach burns forever

Never ending, though she doesn’t even see

It’s so bright, but she is blind

And she thinks it’s okay

Someone will see her for who she is

“She’s not who she says she is”

He was sent from above but it turns sour

She needs surgery

But you can’t remove something intangible

She’s the one that can’t be saved

That’s what she thinks

And she gives up

She falls into the pit of lust

It’s shallow but slippery

There’s only one way out

And she can’t see it

She’s too blind by the vision of who she thinks she is

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