You are camping with your family in an unfamiliar forest. You wake in the middle of the night to find yourself alone in your tent.
Practice throwing your reader straight into the drama of the story - begin your narrative with suspense, confusion, and tension from the offset.
Quidditch Mishaps.
I woke up and immediately swore into the empty tent.
“They left without me!”
I checked all the rooms and found a note in the kitchen.
‘Sorry we had to leave without you! The game was starting soon and you accidentally used a sleep in spell on yourself.’
I pulled the wand out of my pocket and glared at it before checking the time.
“I could still catch half time…”
I pack my things and put a protection hex across the tent to keep it hidden from muggles and walk towards the boot.
It’s on a tall hill that leaves me breathless as I try and clear my mind to think about the quidditch stadium entrance.
My hand touches the mouldy leather and the world warps around me.
“I should have thought of mom. Or dad.” I gasp to myself as I lay winded on the cobblestones. A friendly wizard helps me to my feet.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, uh, I’m looking for my family, the smiths?” I ask. He uses his wand to locate them.
“Up there, at the top. Level 75, row 3. I’d hurry if I were you, games over in half an hour.”
“Okay, thank you.” I say, and charge for the stairs.
Fans cheer as I charge up the steps two by two, and I feel sweat breaking out. I consider using magic, but that isn’t allowed in the stadium.
As I reach the twentieth level, I was bitterly wishing it wasn’t.
Level forty passed, and I was exhausted, the heat overwhelming and the smell of sweat and stale butter beer made me wrinkle my nose. I powered on.
75 levels later I was exhausted and slumped next to my family just to see the Dragons team score the last point, making the stadium erupt into cheers. The game was over.
“Annie?! How on earth…”
My throat was dry and I croaked out, “you left me. So I came to the game.”
“Did you put a enchantment over the tent?” My worrying mom asked.
“Yes, I put the protection hex over it.”
“What? It’s the invisibility enchantment you need…”
“Now we can’t get into the tent!”
I bury my face in my hands. Oh frogs!