Flooded Ground

Sparkly rain boots stomped into puddles

Little wisps of her brown hair fell from her braids

It was a dreary day

But for a three year old, it was a perfect day

She woke that morning like she did most mornings

Disheveled and running

The energy of nine normal people balled into one small figure

Three inches from her mother’s nose, she loudly pronounced, “Mommy!”

Eyes half closed and a bit startled but not surprised, her mother shuffled out of bed.


Hair glued to her cheek by syrup

Tummy full

Between gulps of milk, she called out to the kitty sniffing the crumbs at her feet

Distracted, she noticed it. Rain.

“Can we, can we?!” she begged her mother.

A nod was all she needed to bolt to the door.

Struggles ensued as Mommy wriggled the unworn rubber boots onto her feet.

Jacket on. Ready to splash.

Big belly laughs and smiles as wide as could be

Her mother took mental pictures and about four hundred digital ones too

Fat rain plopped on her nose and rippled on flooded ground

A beam of sunlight peaked through

Looking up, rain tapped her little face

Clouds separated and blue sky began to fill in

The droplets slowed. Her finger pointed toward the sky.

“Mommy! The sun!”

Wrapped in her mother’s embrace, she started to question.

Oh the questions a three year old has. Most of them philosophical by mistake, stumbling parents think quickly.

Mommy knew everything. She could always count on that.

To her surprise, amidst the onslaught of “whys”

Her mother did the most incredible thing.

“Do you think the sun gets lonely up there?” Mommy asked.

Perhaps like mother like daughter, her eyes darted seeking an answer.

Surely Mommy knew, but maybe she just forgot?

Mommy knew everything, after all.

But this once, she was here to help.

With frizzy, slept in braids and a bit of leftover breakfast by her temple, she had a job to do.

Her face scrunched, brow sharply pointing to her wrinkled nose.

A split second thought, “oh no, poor Sun!”

But just as quickly, met with the undeniable truth

Seven hues pierced the sky with its presence

“No Mommy,” she spoke with confidence

Little finger pointed high, “Rainbow!”

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