The Hunt

It is a small compartment with blue walls, and an arched ceiling. The room is cold. A fan blows in the corner, droning on in the distance.

I lye on my bed. All is usual. But then, from the corner of my eye, I see a black speck on the wall. It moves.

    There is a headboard on my bed, and in it there is a knife. I take the knife and dart after the spot. Drawing nigh, my suspicions are confirmed— it’s a spider! Many attempts I make to stab it, but every time it jumps away. The damned thing!

    I pursue the spider. It tries escaping, but eventually I find it in a corner, and stab it. There is a mark on the wall from where it bled, and it’s body is stuck on the edge of my knife. It’s wits we’re no match for my blade.
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