Write about an important event from a child's point of view.
Consider how children view and understand things differently from adults. You don't have to write in first person.
Father’s Friend
I was supposed to be in bed but I couldn’t sleep. So I walk out of my room and tip-toe over to the stairs.
The doorbell rang.
Who is coming this late to our home? I pause, Squat down near the railing; looking through it seeing my father. He looks around before he goes towards the door and slowly opens the door.
He whispers something into the mystery person’s ear.
It’s a woman.
She’s got long hair as far as I can see, and wearing a very revealing outfit.
Who is this?
The women struts over to the lightswitch and flips the switch.
“Hey! My sons asleep, I don’t want him to wake up you know.” Father whispers. “Oh please, he’s not gonna wake up from this tiny light. I can’t see anything in the dark!” She retorts back with no intent of being quiet.
“Penny please! I don’t want my son to see.” Father says in a apologetic tone.
Penny? I’ve never seen her before. Does she work with father?
“Good god, calm down a bit; your always so tense it’s annoying.” Penny speaks.
At this point I am so confused, who, what, why? I keep still at the top of the staircase, still looking down towards them; finally seeing them and not just outlines of them.
Father looks frightened “l-l-listen, I don’t know if this is a good idea afterall.”
“James, I didn’t come here to talk, so make up your mind already.” Penny whispers into his ear.
Her hands trail up to his hair, playing with it, touching it.
I feel sick.
My legs start to tremble a bit as I get up to stand when the wood creaks below me.
Oh god!
Both their heads turn towards the stairs
Panting, sweating so badly through my shirt I hide behind the little corner and start dashing to my room.
I gently close the door and jump back into bed; closing my eyes, hoping this is all a dream no, a nightmare and when I reopen there is no such person as penny.
I take deep breaths and just keep counting to 10 in my head.
Please let this be a nightmare..