
Submitted by Libby Anderson

You are given the chance to talk to an omniscient figure: God, the devil, Death, an all-knowing A.I.

Write a story based on the conversation

The Snowy Night.

The gathering of people all rose from their seats as the band, putting aside their instruments, did the same. Bracing themselves against the cold wind, they lifted their candles high above their heads. No one spoke a word.


It was midnight and I still couldn’t get to sleep. There was still the image of all of those candles, raised high into the air, burned into my brain.

It had barely been a week since the news shook our small town. I cried when I found out. But then again, so did everybody.

I sleepily rose from my bed and put my coat on. I snuck past my parents bedroom and out the door. There I sat on the curbside watching the snow drift by.

“Are you lost?”

I looked up to see a man standing above me. His face looked familiar, I just couldn’t quite place it... No, I could. I was eight, standing at my grandfather’s side as he lay back in his armchair closing his eyes for the last time. This man was there.

I looked back to him, he wore a trimmed black suit, and carried a brief case. His dark hair was well trimmed, he wore glasses over his handsome face. Wait, something was off. When I looked at him through the corner of my eye his face seemed to be changing, from old, to young, to middle aged, and back again. I sucked in a breath when I noticed his shadow.

The man before me stood straight and looked almost dapper, but the shadow he cast looked hunched and dark, wearing a robe.

“Hello Death.”

The man smiled at wolffish grin, “I see that you remember our past dealings?”

I stood up, “I have some questions for you.”

He sighed, “Yes, they all do. Come along.”

I looked back at my house before turning and following Death into the snowy night.

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