Convey your character’s personality by describing how they style their uniform.
Whether it is a school or work uniform, show how your character makes it their own.
There was a shrieking of tires and a sudden unmistakable sound of a crash and glass smashing. Three thugs, wearing balaclava masks to hide their identity scrambled out of their wrecked sedan. They were waving machine guns into the air and began to take off down the city street.
A second later a black sedan skidded to a hult right at the collision site. The road was now successfully blocked by the thug's car and a semi truck that it had collided with. The man in the semi truck was already on his cellphone pointing at the wreckage and using obsenities at whoever he was speaking to.
Out of the black sedan stepped two men, although they were no ordinarily dressed men, nor were they dressed as police. This was something much different, and they stood out like a sore thumb on the dirty streets of New York.
One of them was dressed in a black suit, with a black shirt, black tie, slick back black hair, black shades, black perfectly straight pants, black polished shoes and complete with a black wrist watch. He seemed to be surveying the damage for a moment. His name was Agent Black.
The other was dressed in a white suit, red tinted shades, White shirt, white tie, White polished shoes, white pants, and a white wrist watch. He was pulling out a white plated pistol from his side. His name was Agent White.
"Which way did they go?" Agent Black asked the truck driver.
The man didnt say anything to the two Agents but instead pointed in the direction that the thugs had taken off in.
The two agents gave chase. It wasnt hard to spot the thugs, they hadnt made it very far, a duffel bag they were carrying was slowing them down. The thugs cut off down an alleyway, and the agents gave chase. The thugs had made a terrible error, however. The Alleyway was a dead end, and when they hit a brick wall of a building, and a locked door, there was nowhere to run.
The thugs turned their machine guns towards the agents. The Agents turned their pistols onto the thugs.
"Alright, drop your weapons and-" Agent White had started to say. He was cut off by his partner who shot one of the men in the leg, instantly crippling them.
The man cried out in pain and dropped his machine gun. The other two thugs held their guns in position but neither opened fire. Instead one of them cried out "They shot Danny!"
Agent White gave Agent Black a mean look. "Dammit Black, why did you do that!?"
"Its us or them now." Agent Black said.
Then without hesitation he opened fire again, downing the other two thugs. Only they didnt get shot in the leg... They got shot somewhere a lot more vital. Agent White figured they must have been dead by the time they collapsed onto the ground.
"What the HELL is the matter with you!?" Agent White broke out, furious. "Since when do we just gun people down!?"
Agent Black ignored the question for a moment and walked over to the dead thugs. He kicked their machine guns out of reach of the third injured thug, who was still wallowing in pain clutching his leg.
Then Agent Black turned to face Agent White. "We don't take risks." He explained. "We do the job, we get the assets and the criminals are expendable. We do whatever it takes."
"No!" Agent White protested. "Not whatever it takes! Just because we have lisences to kill dosnt mean we are allowed to just make that decision!"
Agent Black sighed impatiently. "Look. They had machine guns trained on us, give them that extra second and its those three walking out of here with the assets. A decision was made. The right one. I pray you figure that out quick."
"They were going to surrender." Agent White said.
"You don't know that."
The injured thug stopped howling and interrupted the conversation. "I swear I give up! I give up, Im not going to try anything I swear! We would never use our guns! They were just for scare! I swear!"
Agent Black turned to the man and shot him dead. Again without any hesitation.
Agent White raised his pistol at Agent Black. "You just murdered-"
Agent black raised his pistol at Agent White. "I did what I had to. To protect us."
"I'm not going to let you get away with this!" Agent White exclaimed.
"You think you have the guts to stop me!?" Agent Black hissed. He picked up the duffel bag the thugs had been carrying. "The only thing that stands in my way of finishing this job now is you."
"Don't do it." Agent White said.
Agent black squeezed the trigger.
. . .
It clicked. No shot. His sinister grin melted away quickly as he realized he was out of ammo.
Agent White pulled the trigger to his own pistol and shot.
Agent Black flew backwords onto the ground, grabbing his shoulder. "You shot me! Dammit you shot me!" He kept repeating over and over.
"It was me or you." Agent White said coldly. Then he grabbed the duffel bag. As he turned to leave he looked down at Agent Black. "Its not fatal. You'll survive. You wont die today. But for what you did here... Your time is gonna come."