Love Hurts

He cupped my face gently with his calloused hands and looked deeply into my eyes. He was close enough that I could study all the fine lines and imperfections of his face. I could see the flecks of brown embedded in his green irises. I felt captivated in his spell with just one look. He stared into my face like he was trying to memorize it, almost with a certain air of despair. It was as if he was suffering from an ailment and drinking my face with his gaze was the only elixir that could cure him. I felt my brow furrow together with confusion. The question must have been written on my face. The sun hit the natural highlights of his chestnut hair and once again my mind went blank. My breath caught in my throat as I took in the beauty of him. Basking in the warm glow of the sun he leaned in, face mere inches from mine. The smell of the peppermint on his breath and the pine from the aftershave on his skin crept onto my palate, overloading my senses. His lips brushed mine, and the kiss was warm and quick. If I had blinked I would have missed it.

He pulled back and his expression was immediately pained. I could tell that something else was going on behind those eyes and no sooner did that thought cross my mind did I feel this pain deep in my belly. It was sharp at first but then turned into a strong ache that settled deep inside me. His eyes widened, clearly panicked. I looked down to see his fist near my abdomen and just as fast as the blade had gone in, he ripped it back out. I felt a strong, sharp, burning sensation and cupped my wounds in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding, but it was too late…He knew it. I knew it. I stared at him, and was slightly startled when I felt blood pooling in my mouth. One tear fell from those green eyes, and my knees hit the floor. Whether it was blood loss or shock, I will never know, my knees could no longer support my weight.

“W-Why?” I managed to splutter out.

“Better you, than me, “ he stated back, matter-of-factly.

I had fallen to my side, while the hilt from the knife in my waistband dug into my hip.

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