31 Years

I awake to the sound of silence - utter nothingness - not even the sound of myself breathing. I feel cold, which is when I realize I’m frozen, or, half frozen and slowly thawing. Panic gives way to relief when I spot a hammer on a nearby desk. Quickly, I reach for the hammer and shatter the ice, collapsing, my senses returning in a rush.

Stumbling to my feet, I notice a date on piece of paper: September 2nd, 2053. Questions flood my mind. Who am I? Where am I? What happened? The last thing I remember is living - just existing - that’s all.

Drowning in emotions, I hear footsteps approaching and hide behind a desk. Someone, I can’t see who, enters and is speaking an incomprehensible language. I glance at the paper's date again, realizing it can't be 2053. My last memory was 2022.

I peek over the desk and take a look the person, suddenly realizing that that’s not a person - not a human. It’s skin is green with red dots aligning It’s face, two ears stand on top of it’s head like a bunny’s. In shock, I move back behind the desk, hitting it and alerting the alien-looking creature.

"The human has escaped." It speaks into a device. It understands English. "Yes, I guess it is ready to do the trade. Should I bring the money or the human?... Okay, well, It was a joke. Of course, I will bring the human." It hangs up and locks eyes with me.

"Are you ready to make history?" It asks. I can’t get words out. “I’m going to put you back to sleep to make this all a bit less painful for you. Humans are weak, I know this."

I feel frozen as it makes it’s way toward me, sticking some sort of device into my neck. It doesn’t hurt, but immediately, it puts me to sleep.


I awake to a cacophony of voices. People – actual humans – surround me, along with more of the alien creatures. Panic overtakes me and I attempt to run but my legs are bound together.

“I thought you said that he would be put asleep for this part of the arrangement?” A human asks.

“Well, it was put to sleep, but I can’t assure it stays asleep. This human, in particular, is quite the fighter.” The alien replies, ruffling my hair like a pet. “It is in good condition, right? I made sure.”

The human nods and another human hands him a briefcase. “So, fair game?”

The alien scoffs, speaking in the strange language from before. What shocks me is that the human understands what it’s saying, responding in the same language. I feel myself freaking out again—my heart beating so fast that I think it will explode.

It does. A flash blinds me, and I feel the pounding in my chest stop. The world fades back into focus; everyone's dead.

Questions whirl in my mind. How am I alive, and why? I muster enough strength to unbind my legs and stand. I approach the briefcase that the human had and pry it open.

Inside, a file holds a piece of paper with a date: September 2nd, 2022. The name "Silas" is scrawled next to it.

"Silas..." I murmur, hearing my voice for the first time. I clear my throat and pull another paper from the file. There’s a picture and some text.

I read aloud, "Sentenced to one year abroad for testing..." My voice trails off as I notice the image. Setting the file down, I slowly turn around and walk toward a window. There, it hits me: "Silas..." I point to myself. I am Silas.

I am the villain?

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