Desert Hopes

I looked on at the endless desert with a blank look on my face it was the year 3001 of planet earth. The earth is slowly dying with the great flood happening because of the ice caps melting completely in 2077 and twelve years later in 2089 A great meteor hit the earth with a tremendous force that melted most of the water and destroyed a whole lot of land but somehow we did not become extinct like the dinosaurs did at least not yet as what is awaiting us now is a slow death of famine, thirst, and war against ourselves unless someone does something useful.

Also because of said meteor we are now competing against a new mutating brethren of humans which can turn cannibal at any moment against us as the top food chain and due to threats like these and that I like it this way I choose to live alone.

Looking at the sundial it was almost noon I had my G droid check for dangerous creatures it only found a non-threatening mutation rooster so I had the droid capture it by shooting it with a sleep bomb, then I grab the net and took him in. He will become food in a couple hours I left the G droid On search mode while I read old books from a bygone era.

Let me tell you I am not the main character like in any of these stories if I was I would either do the humane thing and blow up this damn planet so the end will come quicker and less torture for all of us or by some damn miracle fix this forsaken land.

When I didn’t know yet was I do get to make a choice one to save or to destroy as a weird spacecraft was detected by my droid and landed nearby my cave.

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