The End. Of High school.

“OK. So hiii. I’m Honey… CLAP. please.”


“As y’all know. I’m THE MOST. Popular girl in the entire school. AKA why I won prom Queen.””Yaass girl”

“**SHUSH**. Anyways, my speech will probably be TRASH. So enjoy life. I guess. I am soooo grateful though to a few people. The others, like my speech, are TRASH. So Grateful to Emily and Emilia. Tysm 4 the good times. Applause for them. NOW.”

*more applause*

“lol not gonna lie, probably gonna snitch on the whole school right now. 1. Ms. Mississippi. Weird name. Even weirder person. Ur first name is Gigigeniviever309858. Literally. Plus she has frogs in her bag.”

*everyone moves away from her*

“2. Montana Moore. More like Montana bore. 3. Dion Lake. Hate u anyways. 4. Maths. Grow up and solve ur own problems.”

*laughter and applause*

“Tbh, feeling like a comedian. Ok. Um. Oh yeah. 5. Being trash at stuff is boring 🥱.”


“Yes I literally spoke out an emoji.”


“Ok. 6. Mr & Mrs Hammond. Get a room. 7. This weird dude named nigesmitgs.”

“Actually it’s NÎGËŞMÏȚĦ.”

“WHO CARES. Next. 8. I’m bored.”



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