The Duck-apocalypse

"The ducks are coming." The words that changed my life.

It was a normal day for a fish like me. I was just swimming around chatting with my friends minding my own business when it happened.

So I guess I should give you some background first.

Well, I Fin am apart of a magical fish clan called the Guffers. Now we are magical for a reason. Every time a fish from are clan dies they speak a line of the future. This is really helpful when we actually pay attention to what they are saying. Which sometimes doesn't happen. Case in point for the past few months all the Guffers have been saying the same words which isn't normal. No not normal at all. What are these words well the exact words I mentioned earlier. "The Ducks are coming."

I know what your thinking "Why wouldn't listen to a warning like that, your fish."

I know right! But you have to understand my clan hasn't seen ducks in decades. Ducks are more like a legend now more than anything. Yah and the fact that my clan of fish are pretty arrogant and think that nothing can possibly hurt them. Stupid right but there's nothing I can do about it. And my friends are like the only ones who believe in the horrid words. And that my friends is exactly why we're in this situation.

Let me explain. So yesterday we got a warning from our cousins the Trouts told us that the Ducks were coming. Surprise, surprise. No, but seriously we are in some big shit. After the warning yesterday we all just went to sleep. Well most of us did not including me. Then we woke up and now look where we're at. The ducks are here.

I told them and they didn't listen and now we're in this mess. People are dying by the second. Why am I not freaking out? Well, I am currently leaving. No, I'm not a cowherd, unless you call not wanting to die being a cowherd. It doesn't matter anymore I am leaving anyway. I've almost made it out. Just a little further. Alright, I've made it. But wait what's that? Oh, that's not good a net. Oh My Fish Lord. This can't be happening. I've been caught. I just was brought to the boat. Wow, I never thought I would get to see a human. They look so so well weird. Wait what's that there saying? Yes, this isn't too bad! They want to keep me as a pet.

Time skip two days later.

Oh, this is the life. I'm just chilling in my totally cool tank. I get fed all the time and everyone leaves me alone. Except this boy named Filup but he's alright. I love it here.

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