Submitted by FreeFly

“I didn’t think about that.”

“You don’t think about anything.”

Write a story including this dialogue.


“I didn’t think about that” Peter said looking at me, his mask covering his face. I could tell he was anxious, making sure he could prove himself to Mr. Stark. “You don’t think about anything!” I yelled back. “You’re a superhero, your supposed to make fast decisions!” While turning away.

“MJ come back! I swear I’m trying to save everyone, I didn’t mean for it to go this way!” Peter yelled as he grabbed me with his web, yanking me back. “Peter, you almost killed my entire family. You don’t even bat an eye when it comes to this stuff. You need to be more careful.” I reply.

(Peters POV)

Words cannot describe how much I almost fucked up an entire family. I could have ruined this girls life. “No… MJ I’m sorry please!” I say trying to fix this. “No Peter! You almost killed me and my family. I need time to think about things. I need time to process this. Stick to being ‘a friendly neighborhood spider man’ and stay away from me and my family until I can sort you out.” MJ screams in anger.

“MJ please!!” I call.

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