Detached? Depressed? Maybe just lonely

I make my coffee black every morning.

Maybe today I’ll add some cream.

I gulp it down and go to work,

my usual daily routine.

After work I make myself dinner,

which is one of my, like, three recipes.

I watch a rerun of Jeapordy, they yell ‘Winner!’

as I eat in front of my TV.

I’ve seen this one before, so I’m not really surprised,

that the winner is that dude Jacob, or Mike? I dont know, it’s some guy.

I wash the only plate and pot in the sink,

since I always eat alone.

It’s not like I’m depressed or something,

It’s just that I live on my own.

I collapse onto my bed; finally!

This day is fucking over.

I try not to relax, or grin too happily,

I’ll do this again tomorrow, in the same order.

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