by Jean Wimmerlin @ Unsplash

Write a story or poem inspired by this abandoned place.

Sandy Beach

How long has it been? Minutes, hours, or even days could’ve passed, but it really was all a blur to Helios. He’s going insane. The fact that the Sun never set in this planet didn’t help either.

He doesn’t even know how long it’s been since his separation from the local travelling group, who promised to protect and guide him through the magical desert. Little did he know, it would take the caravan just a minor mishap for them to lose all bits of reason and dump their injured guest in the middle of a desert.

The man glanced outside, to the neverending wastand of sand and greenery. He was lucky enough that he found shelter, but regretfully, wasn’t lucky enough for any food or rations. It pains—and disgusts—him to say this… But he might have to resort to cannibalism. There was no way you can survive here. There was no food, no water, no anything! Helios doesn’t even know what’s edible and what’s not!

But then again, Helios doesn’t have to resort to cannibalizing his own body… If he dies of dehydration first. The poor guy really had no way out of this. He can’t even tell how long he’s been out here

Everything was getting to his already-overworked head. The starvation, the dehydration, the isolation, the sleep-deprivation-

“Argh!” Helios slammed his fist into the sand that spread as far as the eye could see. He wants to go home. He can’t take this anymore.. He can’t… He really can’t…

Tears started to well up in his eyes. Why did he do this.. Why… Why did he…

Helios felt his cheeks dampen, and sniffles could he heard in the broken down abode. Helios was an ugly crier. He always has been since he was a child, even when he was being comforted by his Mama.

He wants his mom. Where is she? She should be here by now, comforting him. “Ma..” Helios wanted to wail. “Mama, I wanna go home… I’m sorry.. I’m sorry…”

The man didn’t even know what he was sorry for. He didn’t do anything wrong. He can’t even think right now, his mind is in ruins.

He can’t think. He can’t think. He can’t think. Helios is hungry. He needs food. His stomach is crying out louder than he is. But his mind wails even more.

Helios found himself curling into a ball, clutching at his pounding head to try and block out the sounds. Oh god. Is he hallucinating? Now of all times? He can’t think. He can’t speak. Screaming is useless, no one is going to hear him and it’s just a waste of energy.

“My baby, oh, my sweet, sweet, baby! It’s okay, it’s okay, Mama’s got you, come, I’ll get you out of here, okay?” Helios tensed. Is this real? Was his Ma here? Oh, curse it all.

“Ma, Ma!” Helios couldn’t hold it anymore. He wailed, he cried, and he grasped at his fraying strands of sanity just to be held by his mother again.

“It’s okay, my baby. Here, eat, eat. Oh, my baby, you look so hungry and frail! You’re going to be okay, okay? I’m getting you home… I promise, I’m getting you home…”

Helios didn’t even hesitate. One bite, two, then three, the coppery taste melting in his mouth. Though a little chewy, Helios assumed it was just some jerky, the very food he loved to snack on when sitting on a sandy beach.

Beach? Oh right! He was in a beach. Though he had long forgot the name, the view was one of the best he’s ever seen. Helios turned his head, finding his mother sitting right behind him, watching the setting Sun.

“Ma,” Helios called out. “You’ll always be with me, right? You’re never gonna abandon me?”

His mother smiled. “Of course not, my baby! Mama will always be there to protect you against any bad guys coming for you!” She punched the empty air, and Helios couldn’t help but laugh.

Laugh as he bit and tore into his arm, blood trailing everywhere. His hand was long gone at this rate, devoured by his own teeth, mouth, and tongue. But pain was temporary. Helios adored the daydream, and wished to stay in it forever.

And forever he will stay, even as his body becomes one with the sandy dunes.

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