‘With the final flickering of the lights, I took a deep breath, knowing I had done everything I could to save us.’

Write a story that concludes with this line. Think which kind of storylines could logically lead to this finale.

Trust Your Eyes

I told the captain that those parts were faulty. They didn’t look right and my father always said to trust your eyes. But they were cheap and money had to be saved somewhere. So we took the deal. At first everything seemed like it would go smoothly. No sparks flew when they were installed in the engines. They fit right where they were needed and we were back in space, back on our delivery. I thought maybe I was wrong, that sometimes your eyes lied, then lag started. It was nothing major at first, a few cogs not turning as fast as others, but that was an easy fix. Then belts started stretching and causing timing issues, once again something easy to fix. But they kept happening, over and over until an engine shut down. Now that is a serious problem, but nothing was wrong. Everything seemed to be in working order, the engine just did not work. So we hobbled along to the closest space station and it started again. Cogs not turning, belts stretching, but more than that sparks began flying. So much so that it ended up short circuiting our communication system. We had to keep going, with no way to contact anyone for help we could not stop. Then it happened, the second engine stopped. We were stuck, just drifting along and a slim chance of rescue. I tried, I did not give up. I cobbled everything together to try and get one of the engines back online, nothing worked. As time passed everyone became so desperate and tempers flared. Then other systems began to shut down. The temperature controls went first, then the air purification, then water. Last was the lights and with the final flickering of the lights, I took a deep breath, knowing I had done everything I could to save us.

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