Sleep Deep, Sweet Dreams

“Greetings, Daniel. May I call you, Dan? Here at Zoltan Celestial the sky is no limit. Welcome to our team, Dan. We know this transition is challenging. As Prisoner 6672089 of Eastern State Pententiary you knew fear and restriction. Now as a valued member of our Away Team you will know a new kind of freedom. Inhale deeply and lean back. Exhale. Excellent. The procedure I assure you is nearly painless.

“Dan, your prison sentence of life with no hope of parole has been transmuted to perpetual employment at Zoltan Celestial Inc., a subsidary of Waste Management InterGalatic. With our patented psychic transfer process your neural pathways will be replicated and modified for implementation in our long range self-piloting spacecraft, automated factories, and other related industrial usage. Financial compensation has already been sent to your designation next of kin. Be at peace knowing Insert Name Here will be provide for comfortably. The room lights will dim now. Do not be alarmed. You may close your eyes, Dan. Please relax your muscles.

"Small pinch, just like a bee sting. There all done. Relax and enjoy this selection of natural sleep sounds as the downloading process commences. Your uniqueness and those of our other volunteer team members will be homogenized and optimized. Your mental stamina and acuity will be aggregated to make a more agile Zoltan Celestial fleet of ships and robotic equipment. You will live among the stars. Per your instructions, your corpeal remains will be humanely harvested and recycled. Know your sacafice will help build a brighter future for generations to come. Sleep deep, Dan, and sweet dreams.”

End of Recording, Waste Management InterGalatic 19 June 2094

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