My Teacher

My suspicions started when I saw Mr. Thern gulping down a thick red liquid during a lunch period. It was dripping down the sides of his lips like he couldn’t get enough.

You may think my imagination got ahead of me but my instincts were correct.

The more I followed and watched, the more sinister Mr. Thern became.

I watched Mr. Thern grind meat and bone down into his red smoothies that I saw him drink.

I watched Mr. Thern disappear into his shed, where he kept people chained up. Their hands above their head, far enough apart that only the feet would touch if they tried.

I watched Mr. Thern as he would take them one by one to kill them. Cut them up and store them for his smoothies and meats.

I tried to tell my parents about it, but they never believed me.

I even tried to tell the police. They even went to his house but nothing happened. He was never arrested.

I watched and watched. And kept trying to get him caught. Until one day.

He caught me.

Maybe my mom and dad will believe me now.

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