A new form of selecting a leader is proposed, and you are now eligible to run for President of the World.
Write about your journey. You may choose to make it humorous, or try to think about real things you would do in this very unlikely situation!
Drawing For President.
I see another person running down the street as the rain comes crashing down. It wouldn’t be long before I saw 12 police men chasing her, hearing their radios go into static as they reach the dead zone of my town. It’s so cold tonight, the thought of going inside has crossed my mind. The fierce slap of the chilly night air along with the water droplets pelting my skin has given me an excuse to want to go inside for once in my life. But the beauty of the trees wrestling the air, and the sound of the soothing rainfall along with the exciting roar of the thunder had changed my mind. Sitting out in the cold was better than going into the chaos of my home. At least I have a comfortable outfit on. I wonder why nobody focuses on the small towns full of crime and hate? Maybe people thing that we aren’t worth saving, we’re so small it wouldn’t really make any difference, right. I’m going to change that one day I thought to myself as I got interrupted. My reality then set in. My best friend David came to sit by me on my porch which was thankfully covered from the rain. He looked cold, it could be because I had his sweater. He gave it to me last week at school. He carried a plaid blanket with him though,
“Hey beautiful” he said to me in a low voice, “ your brother called me, he sounded worried about you.” He paused as he gave me a concerned look, “ what happened love?”
“nothing worse than what’s already happened in my life” I replied back with irritation in my voice. David has been my best friend since the 1st grade and has been there for me through everything. My parents divorce because of my dad's abusive behavior, and my family falling apart after that. Well what structure we did have I mean, it was close to none to begin with. David was staring at me with a soft expression wanting me to vent to him. I decided to help myself and share my past hour, “my mom yelled at my little brother for eating my portion of dinner, and when I defended him she freaked out on me. It’s ok though, he needed the food more anyways” I said without looking at him.
My family lives paycheck to paycheck, and sometimes We don’t always have food. David hates it when I don’t eat, he will bring me and my family food sometimes or take me out to dinner on school nights after we do homework at his place. He lives in the next town over in a fancy house with nice parents and a good family. He immediately got to his feet and offered me his hand. Without speaking I stood up from my sitting position and knew that I was leaving my house for the night
————————Time skip—————————
After sleeping in David’s room on his bed while he took the floor, I had breakfast with his family. His family loves me and has said I am welcome any time and that has so far proved to be true. His mom had turned on the news after finding the cops caught the girl I saw last night, after she robbed a store. The scene skipped to the president being escorted to a cop car in handcuffs. The Vice President had quit his job earlier this week due to drama with a coworker and had filed for a divorce after finding her man with another man shockingly. The senate then came on the screen and stated that American was falling to pieces and that in-light of our president going to prison the office was now open to anyone as long as they were or have been, at least a senior in high school. David looked over at me to meet my amused gaze. We jokingly dialed the number to run for president thinking nothing of it, the lady on the other end of our phone took our names and did a small background check on us, after confirming who we were and our grades she put our name in a drawing. We as a county we’re planning on a lottery to pick our president! If I get picked I’m focusing on small towns, then working my way to the whole state, to better America one state at a time. And to make sure people know what’s right!