Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

Letting go

Letting go. It's something we all do at one point in our life. Whether it's of a pet, a parent, a job, a lover, a friend, or even our childhood. We all leave someone or something. Some people and things are harder to leave. Like the people our hearts gravitated toward or the peace a special tree brought us. Things we had to let go of. In my short life I've learned leaving never gets easier We just go numb eventually. And in most cases it gets harder and harder until we are nothing but a walking vessil. We can't go back, but if we could and we never had to leave, it would be you that I chose.

I can't explain how much I've missed your smile. Or the glint in your eyes when you've thought of something funny. The way you laugh at your own jokes. I miss it so much. Mostly though, I loved that you loved me. Or I thought I did. Even though I would give anything to have you back I know Its wrong of me. It's wrong for us. We had our time, and although it was long it just wasn't quiet long enough. I won't be coming back though, cause I know this is for the better, but I will always and I mean always have a place in my heart for you, and only you.

And that my love, is what I've learned about you, and letting go.

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