A moving train
Write a story that takes place on this.
I’m running late today, utterly late. I’m rushing around trying to collect my thoughts and belongings from Phil’s house. “Don’t forget your phone” he smiles and kisses me goodbye. I run for the train station and get there just in time. I walk in the doors and find a seat towards the back. My phone dings, a text from Phil. ‘Have a wonderful day at work my love’ god he knows just what to say to make my morning bright again. I look around the train and see an odd sight. There’s a man facing the wall murmuring to himself. Almost as if debating something. My gut is screaming bad vibes, but where am I supposed to go? I’m on a moving train, there’s nowhere to go. ‘Okay Kay think’ what the hell am I going to do? I make my way up to the next car and keep going until I find a conductor. “Sir, something is about to go terrible wrong in car three”. The man looks at me puzzled. ‘Good job idiot, now he’s going to think you have something planned’. I roll my eyes and explain the man to him. He gets on the radio to get help but it’s too late. Screams emerge from the third car. “HES GOT A GUN!” a passenger screams from one of the other cars. In a matter of seconds the entire train is in panic. “What do I do?” I asked the conductor. “Stay here”. “But sir there are children on that car” I said. “Ma’am you are safest right here please stay put”. What do I do? I don’t want innocent children to die, but yet I don’t want to die. It’s clear to me what I must do. ‘Phil I love you so much no matter what happens remember that always and forever, you are my forever’ text sent. God am I really going to do this? I start going back towards car three. One car down. My phone dings. ‘Kay what do you mean? What is wrong? Are you okay? Please answer your phone!’ Two cars down. ‘I love you Phil’. Last car. I look into the window and see the man at the other end of the car. The door is wide open, no time to conduct a plan. I see a little boy near me, I make eye contact with his mother and she nods at me. She pushes him towards me and I grab him and get him to car two. “Go find a woman with a child and stay with her”. “Yes” says the child. Okay Kay you got one kid to safety. One more to go. My phone is going off like crazy. I’m sweating, ready to have a panic attack. ‘Stop that right now, you are no good to save these people if you freak out now’. Okay breathe. Breathe again. I’m okay. I look into car three again and see the other child waiting for the parent to acknowledge me. Finally they see me. I wave for the child to come to me. ‘Slowly’ I mouth to the girl. She nods and slowly comes towards me checking over her shoulder to make sure the man isn’t looking. “WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” The man yells at her. She sits down quickly “I-I I had to go to the bathroom” she says quietly. “You’re not going ANYWHERE, if you move a muscle I will shoot you”. I pull out my phone and text Phil quickly. ‘Call 911, a man has taken over my train car with a gun, I got one child out safely but getting the other WILL be a problem, please HURRY’. Sent. Okay now how will I get this little girl out of the car??? I peek around the corner to see how far away from the door she is. Three. Three seats away. I carefully watch the man and wait for my chance. The little girl is looking at me, her eyes full of fear. ‘I will get you out’ I mouth. She nods yes. As soon as the man turned to the wall I get myself in the doorway and wave for the little girl to go, she gets out and to the next car, but I have been spotted by the man. I knew he was watching but I needed to get her out. “Oh we have ourselves a little hero do we?” God I can smell the alcohol on his breath. “Well I’ll show you what I do to hero’s in MY story”. He laughs the most disturbing laugh I’ve ever heard in my life. I close my eyes as he raises the gun to my head. One. I count. I’m so sorry Phil we had so much living to do. Two. I’ll always be with you in spirit. Three. BANG. Is this what death feels like? I didn’t feel a thing. No. This isn’t right. I open my eyes and the gunman is laying on the floor in front of me a shot to the chest. He’s not moving. I look up and see a man holding a gun. He shot the gunman while he was going to kill me. He saved me. “Th-thank you” i stammer out. “You’re going to be okay ma’am, I’m a cop I just needed to wait for the right moment”. I sit down and wait for the train to stop. I get off and yell for a taxi. “Where to?” “To Phil” I said. “We have some more living to do”.