Write a Christmas story that contains an alternative character to Santa Claus.
If, like us, you think a magical old man visitng children under the cover of night, is creepy, then try to think of an alternative character that could be responsible for producing presents.
Life it’s self is purely created by imagination. Everything we attract has been somehow created in our brains.
Let’s imagine for a minute all the presents one could ever want during the most commercialized materialistic season of the year could be over taken by your mind.
In this world, the need for a creepy old man who you let your kids sit on his lap for the sake of dumb traditions is no longer needed. The power of the mind will make it all happen, children’s materialistic desires for toys will magically appear right before their eyes. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?!
It would be such an amazing thing for the children but not so much for the parents who want to show how much they love their children with the money that they spend. Somehow that need to threaten them into being compliant would be ineffective. Shopaholics will go into detox without a reason to spend.
One thing will remain the same.
Homes filled with useless things,
Christmas will still be all about gifts,
The boulevard of broken dreams will still be a thing for those who’ve lost real things that matter which money could never buy.
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