Submitted by lily.n.dry

“That was probably the worst idea you’ve ever had… and yet it worked.”

Write a story that opens or ends with this line of speech.

Back In The Habit

That was probably the worst idea you’ve ever had. To stop writing for as long as long as you did. I don’t thnk you can even call it an idea or a decion. You just drifted away, right when you were startibg to develop some momentum.

What if you’d carried on? Where would you be now. And there in lies the problem. Captalism has made you thik monitisation of a passion is the only true measure of its worth.

How very incorrect, especially in the case of writting. Where the reward is very much in the doing. The only plus of your hiatus was you were able to come to this revalation for yourself. So now you’re ready to go again stronger than before. So yes giving up on your writting was a terrible idea. That was probably the worst idea you’ve ever had . . . and yet it worked.

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