Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
Captain’s Log
Captains log: 04-28-1427
Captain Maris Thryfer speaking.
I have been absent for twelve days due to pirates. The Nightshade suffered damage from the Crimson Dagger and we lost a good man. Lieutenant Jaxon Starbird will be greatly missed. We managed to dock at the Halauirian Dokks for a week, and were lucky to find a repairman on such short notice. We now left the Dokks and are adrift the Elondryan Ocean. While in Halauiri, we found a new man to replace Lieutenant Starbird. His name is Roland DiCartha. He hails from a fairly respectable family. The DiCartha’s have been known to be some of the most influential names in the Atlastian Navy for sixteen generations. I am pleased and greatful to have him on The Nightshade. Yesterday, Roland entertained the crew with a couple merry tunes to keep everyone’s spirits high.
This morning I charted a course for Esir Isle to check up on an old friend of mine. Admiral Joralai Morai. She wrote to me a couple months ago, telling me of some trouble she had recently had to sort out. I am sending in a request to check in her. The last time I heared from her, she had told me that her brother Tariq had gotten tangled into some Spanish Uprising, and had been sent to prison. I sent my condolences and told her of my plan to come see her, but I hadn’t heard back. We are expected to land on Esir Isle in about fourteen days. Anyways, my lamp is burning low, and I must attend to my evening affairs. Goodnight to all,
Signed, C. Maris Thryfer.
Captain’s Log: 04-29-1427
Captain Maris Thryfer speaking.
This morning I was woken by the sounds of swords clashing, and I was terrified that I had slept through a call of alarm. I hurried to throw on my clothes and grabbed my sword, ready to fight, only to find Roland DiCartha commanding sword drills with the crew. My fears having been put to rest, I decided to have a little fun and thought of a little challenge. A duel to see who is best with their sword. Whoever won got an extra set of rations that day. The rules of the game were, no backstabs, and no limb chopping. The rest was free game. The tournament started at 4:40 A.M. and ended at 10:45 A.M. Criss Glem, our cabin boy, won. I was very proud seeing that he was my nephew, son of my brother Criss Thryfer. I took him on two years ago when he had freshly turned 14. Now, at sixteen, he has grown into a fine young man and I am happy to call him family. Criss Jr. decided to keep his mothers maiden name in her honor. Miranda Glen has always had my respect, she was the kind of person who always knew how to brighten someones day. Kind of like Roland. Two hours ago I caught Roland teaching Criss Jr. how to make Rabbit Stew from scratch. We had it for dinner and they did a wonderful job. It makes me smile watching how quickly the crew has accepted Roland as their own. Well, enough about Roland. Today’s weather was clear and sunny, with a good breeze flowing through our sails. We have thirteen days to go till we reach Esir Isle, and by then we will be out of our last rations so we will have to restock. Unfortunately, due to our run in with The Crimson Dagger, we will not have enough money to buy enough rations to last us through winter, so I will have to make the hard call and let some of my men go. As I look out the port windows, I see than the sun has dipped beneath the earth. Indeed it’s my time to retire.
Goodnight to all,
Signed, C. Maris Thryfer.