Inspired by EvaJ


From the first person perspective of your character, write about someone they despise OR idolise a little too much...


She has gorgeous red hair, crystal green eyes, and a thin smile. Hair never uneven, clothes always fitted; she knows just what to do. She knows just what to say.

As she smiles at those lesser than her, her body holds no malice, like she knows she’s better, yet I cannot find it in myself to hate her.

Teacher’s pet she is, but she was never dull, always alive. She spoke her mind; she did what was right…

My life has felt much brighter with her inside; I get jealous when her attention isn’t on me. I stand next to her as she speaks to her other friends, boredly gazing at them.

They don’t pique my interest, only she does.

My face scowls as I get scolded by her, the reason for such not being my fault, but the audacious attitude of others. Why should I be ashamed for sticking up for the one I…

She is as perfect as the ocean, beautiful as bioluminescent water, and every time I see her, I can’t help but swoon. To be there by her side is a privilege, and it urks me when I see those that don’t appreciate what’s given to them.

Her breath smells of fresh mints and her body of flowers. I wish to be by her side forever, yet, when she sees me, her smile falters and her shoulders tense. Am I doing something wrong? Am I not showing enough devotion? My heart aches at the realization that I’m not enough for her; I could never be enough for her.

And yet, she continues to be utter perfection, even as she frowns upon me, even as she whispers to her friends, sneaking glances my way. So perfect, so, so perfect…

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