Write a poem that centers around a woman.
The woman can be anyone you choose, ficitional or real. Is it a family member? A role model? Your favourite character? Or one of your own characters?
Blitz poem
Long hair
Long fingers
Fingers with nails
Fingers that are lithe
Lithe and graceful
Lithe like a dancer
Dancers that spin
Dancers that twirl
Twirl in circles
Twirl around
Around and around
Around the town
Towns stopped
Towns frozen
Frozen because of her
Frozen solid
Solid and stable
Solid and beautiful
Beautiful like the sky
Beautiful and pretty
Pretty blue eyes
Pretty red hair
Hair that is silky
Hair that is smooth
Smooth like butter
Smooth and slick
Slick and slippery
Slick and clean
Clean and shimmering
Clean black coat
Coat that is black
Coat that is long
Long and velvety
Long, down to her ankles
Ankles of a stallion
Ankles covered by heels
Heels that clack
Heels that poke
Poke the ground
Poke the carpet
Carpet that is red
Carpet that is fluffy
Fluffy like her hair
Fluffy like a dog
Dogs and cats
Dogs on leashes
Leashes that control
Leashes that tie
Ties in her hair
Ties on her wrists