Write a dialogue that includes an example of verbal irony.
Verbal irony is when someone says the opposite of what they mean, often with the intention of being humorous or sarcastic. For example, "Great, just what I needed, another headache."
Unless Urgent
No you,, you can’t keep all what’s yours but then try to take mine.
No, you can’t tell me what I’m thinking as if I don’t know my own self.
No, you can’t pick, and choose the certain parts of me you feel fits best in place.
Loving all of me is something you won’t get any short cuts with.
but Oh, why of course I’ll help you understand what you can, and learn what you seek.,
But, my weeping soul is fragile, with one chip to its exposed heart,, and
We retreat!
So no to the hatred knocking on our door too.
Yelling “just who in the hell do you think you are”!?
I yell back! (while making my self appear bigger and stronger)
“I know who I be, do you know who you are?”
I said my soul it’s fragile why are you pushing this hard. Do you understand that if I push back you’ll be pushed very far.
Make sure if it does go to far remember what you already learned to create new ways to get back to where you are!
Don’t take to long please, I told you this soul is fragile, so we have trouble holding our space. Easily distracted wondering away!
So, if you find my love urgent please hurry, we may not be in that prior space.
Will you continue in urgency, searching…,
If you find my love urgent, then yes!
Finding us will be a highly decorated task.