
when I first met him I was taken instantly.

his easy smile, soft eyes, messy hair

his big dreams and contagious laugh

and somehow

along the way

he too became taken with me

it’s an odd thing then, I suppose

he taught me so much

he opened me up to new worlds and

showed me a love like none I’d ever known

it’s a funny thing really

how time pushes ever on

how people are forced apart and grow and change

how people fight over small things that mean nothing in the long run

how people’s minds shift and

how people have to leave you behind

I still think about him

I must admit I’ve never quite met anyone who made me feel the way I did around him

I fear I never will

but perhaps this is all just the universe pulling strings

I know he is happy now

he’s found the love of his life

and I’m left reminiscing with

memories covered in a thin layer of dust

and perhaps

this is my fate.

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