The Moon’s Request

The Horizon summoned the Moon, yet the Moon would not fall.

This perplexed the Horizon. The Moon always abided by her commands.

Alright fine, she thought. If he won’t listen to me, I’ll lure him down with my beauty. I shall become his muse.

With that, the Horizon erupted in an array of colors. Hues of pink and purple and orange swirled around in her belly.

Creatures and men below turned to gaze at the phenomenon. Yet the Moon did not bat an eye.

“What is your problem?” The Horizon hissed at him. “You’re going to mess everything up!”

“I’m finished giving into your cosmic propaganda,” the moon responded.

“What’s that supposed the mean?”

“It means,” the Moon said, “that there is no reason that the Sun should be allowed out for 14 hours and I only 10. It’s not fair.”

“That’s just the way it is,” said the Horizon. “Now stop this nonsense and get down here. The Sun is ready to come up.”

“Why can’t we share the sky?” the Moon grumbled. “I get lonely during the day and I’m sure the Sun does as well. Can I stay up with him just for the day?”

The Horizon pondered the Moon’s request. The Sun had complained to her previously about the loneliness he experienced from having to hold the sky alone. Having two extraterrestrial bodies share the sky had never been done before, but the universe would keep turning if she allowed the Moon to stay up there with him.

“I will grant your request,” the Horizon decided.

“But you two better behave yourselves.”

“Oh thank you, thank you!” The Moon cried. After million of millions of years, she finally got to share her sky!

From that point forward, the Moon and Sun shared the daytime skies together and were visible for all men and creature to view.

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