An unexpected blizzard has hit a motel. All the residents are trapped inside for the next few days until the snow melts.

What interwoven stories could unfold from this scenario?

Murder In The Motel

All the kids are still running around, annoyingly happy because they got to skip school. There are six of them. Kimi, Wyatt, Amanda, Dean, Yvet and Jon. None of them like each other, so naturally they didn’t want to be snowed in together. “Nope, I don’t wanna.” “Yvet, please? I really need you to.” Yvet rolled her eyes. “Ugh, fine.” She stood up and tossed the charger at Jon. “Thank you. That was really helpful.” She mimicked him. “ThAnK yOu, ThAt WaS vErY hElPfUl.”

The shower turned off. “YOU GUYS, STOP ARGUING!! YOU’RE TALKING MY EAR OFF,” Wyatt called from the bathroom. Amanda ran into the hall. “I CALL THE SHOWER NEXT!! MY HAIR IS DISGUUUSTING!” Wyatt snapped, “Nobody cares how bad your hair is, Amanda! We’re all snowed in, anyway.” He took the towel, rubbing it through his damp blonde hair. She called, “You were the one who was just talking about now arguing! What the-!” The door burst open, letting the frigid Ottawa air. Wyatt shivered. “Please shut the door! My abs are going to freeze off!” Kimi giggled and she and Dean stomped their snowy boots on the carpet. “We’ll, looks like we’re snowed in for about another 3 days. That’s what the front desk lady said.” 

The shower turned on again, Amanda shutting the bathroom door quietly. The crew soon heard Taylor Swift blasting. Dean turned to Jon, mouthing “Earworm” and pointing to the door. Jon laughed. 

Story from here for a quick read: Each is good at something unique needed to solve the mystery, and so they think it’s all a prank the motel set up for them to get them to like one another, but the victim is actually dead.

2/22/22 (Taco and Tutu Tuesday)

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