Write about a character who used to be famous in their younger life, but now lives as a regular civilian.
Are they annoyed that they're not known, or do they welcome the anonymity? What was their life like and how does that affect them now?
Once Famous
Jesse flipped the burgers onto the fryer. The grease flew up like sparks from a fire and were burning off the hairs on his forearm. “Damn it.” Jesse yelled and rubbed his arm. “Hey, watch the language Jess. Remember we have children out here.” “Fuck you” He mumbled to himself.
Reaching up he pulled the warm buns out of the container above the grill, laid the bottom on onto the burger, flipped it over and then put on the top one. This was his job now, he was a damn burger flipper or maybe he could call himself a culinary artist. He laughed to himself and thought _Oh how the mighty fall. _
“Order up” he yelled as he through the fries on the plate and placed it on the shelf between the counter area and the kitchen. He spun the wheel of orders around and picked one off of it and sighed. He remembers when people were making food for him, and it wasn’t these greasy ass burgers. He would dine on the finest steaks, seafood, and caviar. He felt like he was the king of the world. Again he thought _oh how the mighty fall._
“Hey, what are you doing. Get going on that order or you will have more time on your hands than you want to daydream.” his boss Mike said. Grumbling inaudible words that he preferred Mike not here he worked on the newest order.
When he set the latest order up Mike looked at it and said “What are you doing? This isn’t what was on the ticket.”
Mike had enough he tore his apron off, threw it on the floor and headed for the back door. He didn’t get far though before he heard a voice from the front of the restaurant he recognized.
“Hey kid, come out here”, Jesse about ignored him until he heard the man call his name “Jesse Brock.”
No one had called him that in years, ever since he had run into troubles with drugs when he was the biggest Hollywood actor in the 90s. He turned and headed out to the front of the restaurant and saw who had called him. It was a director he had worked with, Brian Damon.
“I thought that was you Jesse. I would have recognized that voice anywhere.”
The two men sat at the table and asked how each other was doing, and what they had been up to. Jesse started to feel excited, maybe this was his way back into the game. He could be the comeback kid. The kid actor that came back stronger with bigger rolls, but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be.
“He could I get a bacon cheeseburger with some curly fries?” Brian asked. With that Jesse dropped his head and started heading back to the kitchen when he heard Mike say “Where do you think you’re going?”, “Back to work” he replied. “Back to work? You’re fired.” Life just kept getting worse.