
Lani stepped back, red scars on her face. "Please stop! Please!" The scratching never stopped. Never ceased. The talons scraped her eyes, turning everything black. All that existed was pain.

She gasped awake, tears in her eyes.

The sun poked out from the horizen, and Lani stepped outside to the balcony. She stared out, trying to forget the dream. The shadows seemed to press in on her, clouding her eyesight, leaving a hideous, evil face.

She stepped back and gasped. The darkness still seemed to press in on her. She could never escape. She stepped, side to side, trying to escape the shadows. They pushed her, prodded her, kept her paralized with fear. She stepped backwards.

And started falling. The city lights passed before her, soon covered up by the darkness. It had caught up to her.

As she opened her eyes, she found herself in a hospital bed. Lani looked around carefully, searching for shadows. She soon realized that her mother had her arms around her.

"It'll be alright, Lani"

Lani smiled, tears in her eyes as she looked up to her mothers face.

Then her blood ran cold. Her mothers face was dark, hideous, and cruelly smiling.

She touched her eyes, and felt scars underneath them.

The thing she once called mother pulled out a knife and slashed her in the eyes.


Word count: 224

Hi! My first horror short story! I'll definently write some more soon. It won't be connected to this story, but I have an idea for a second part.


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