Inspired by EnglihGirl112

She was the most adored girl in the room; all eyes were fixed on her as she waltzed elegantly across the floor. Little did they know the dark secret she was hiding...

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You Don’t Want To Know: A Confession

My fans in the crowd, I don’t think you know just how many people I’ve had to eliminate to get here. Would you still be clapping had you known?

Tonight my dress feels heavy and seems to drag me down, but at least it looks splendid for the cameras. It cost a pretty penny, but I need to look impeccable. Would you still be clapping if I didn’t?

Fame is overrated. It’s just a reminder that the world is watching and therefore judging my every move, and that I must be better than every other person to earn your love. Would you still be clapping if I wasn’t?

Why do you think that every one of the other stars in my field of work have disappeared into the night before your very eyes, all except for me? Of course I killed them. Who else would? I can still see the ghosts of blood stains on my hands. It’s messy work, but it worked like a charm. Earned your short lived attention, didn’t it? They’re gone now. Would you still be clapping if they weren’t?

You yell and applaud and whoop and whistle because you love me, all of you. I am adored by all gathered in the auditorium tonight. Would you still feel that way had you known the real me, had you known the person I am rather than who I pretend to be? I think not.

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