Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.
cold wet feet
I like taking walks on mornings like this but today there's reason.
It's humid and the cement is wet.
My socks are soaked.
The market by the house opens at 7am and it's a block away.
My dog Bo and I take the trip for milk.
The clouds seem to hover jus above the grass.
I wish I would have checked the weather before I left.
It's not too late to go back, as I turn around, the house is still visible behind me.
But we really need milk.
I'll buy some sandals they're only a few dollars.
On the way back, each step was squeaky and filled with moisture.
My feet get cold and grow numb.
The walk back was longer then the walk there.
Making myself cereal cured my minor frostbite.
Maybe tomorrow I'll check the weather before I go to avoid cold wet feet.