Submitted by j.byrd
Write a scene where the characters say ‘I love you’ without actually saying the words ‘I love you’.
What non-verbal things express love?
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Thank you for rubbing my back as I fell asleep at night.
I don’t think I ever told you how much that comforted me.
Thank you for making lunches and dropping the kids off.
Those slow mornings mean everything to me.
Thank you for giving me another son.
A reminder of everything we’ve built together.
Thank you for showing up for two boys you didn’t create.
The way you’ve ensured we never go without is the greatest reassurance—proof that you’ll always be there.
Thank you for slowing down.
Thank you for putting us first.
Thank you for meeting everyone’s needs before your own.
It doesn’t go unnoticed.
Thank you for letting me in.
I know how hard it’s been to tear open the chest you’ve stitched shut so many times before.
I promise this is the last time.
I’m so grateful to hold your hand.
Proud to call you mine.
You’re stuck with me—