My Monster

“I don’t know what to do,” Micheal said to himself in a very soft voice and disheartened tone.

“Being rejected so many times. Being thrown around as some worthless toy. Micheal Anderson: Brooklyn’s Forgettable Average Joe would be the title of my life if it were a book,” Micheal angrily shouts. “I know I have power, but I feel like I am powerless. Useless. Worthless. Just nothing,” Micheal continued to talk to himself in a crushed manner. “Nothing…..but someone that everyone ignores or hates. The idea of that, the - Oh, God! I hate that. How lonely and awful it makes me feel. Oh, if only there was a way for me to express this deep, agonizing pain and anger. To what has happened to me and my terrible, hollow life,” Tim said in a very low, rough voice and in a bitterly angry and saddened tone, while sitting in a chair all by himself, tightening his fists and frowning at the fire in front of him. “Wait,” Micheal said, as he suddenly realized what he could do to make himself feel better, sitting up straight with a surprised look on his face that turned into a devilish smile. “Why, of course! My notebook!,”Micheal said as he got up from his chair and walked to a local table. He opened a drawer near that table and got out his notebook and one out of the many pencils in it. “Ah, yes, whenever I feel down, even more than usual, I can always rely on this great thing to explore my most awful thoughts from my disturbed mind and dark heart. What a great escape!,” Micheal shouted out with genuine delight. “What should I write about? Should it be about lighting that Grayson kid on fire? Kicking my neighbor’s dog to death? Killing those annoying guys who always beat me up for no reason?!,” Micheal shouted as he slammed his fist against the table. “You know what?,” Micheal said, thinking about what he was going to do with his notebook. “What about I draw something? Yeah, I haven’t done that in a while.” And so, Micheal started to focus on what he would draw by describing how it would look.

“Alright, let’s get started. He has this very wide, muscular structure. Yes, a very intimidating physique that every man envies. Very strong, but not ridiculously, stupidly-looking strong. He is still thin. He has a very rugged and gruff look to him. If he were to talk, he would in a very menacing and aggressive tone and a very deep voice to accompany that,” Micheal said, as he continuously described how his creation would be. But as he described how his creation would look, his shadow started to change form, becoming much more muscular and wider. “He would have a very tight, very dark yet fitting body suit, have a long, a similarly black cape and pair of boots. Yes, Yes, this looks great!,” as Micheal praised his creation, he was left unaware of what his shadow was doing. His shadow got up from Micheal’s chair, stood upwards, and suddenly had a very tight, black body suit that complemented his strong, harsh appearance, had big, black boots and a massive dark cape that swooshed around his calves. “Yeah! He has dark hair that’s thin and wavy. He has a very devious face with two curved eyes and a big mouth that has this devilish smile with razor-sharp teeth,” as Micheal continued to sit there, still drawing, he didn’t know that his shadow came off the the side of the room it was on. He slowly walked towards him as he grew the dark, wavy hair and devious face. And when he was getting closer to Micheal, he started to have that devilish smile on his face. “Perfect! Just perfect! I think it’s the best thing I have ever done!,”as Micheal shouted out of sheer delight at what he made. “Why,” Micheal said as he looked at his creation with a very smug sense of pride. “I must be a genius for making something like this. I always outdo myself when I least expect it,” Micheal said, still too obsessed with what he made. “Well, I mean, it won’t really change anything or matter, but it makes me feel better, which is definitely something, right?,” Micheal said in a reassuring tone. “Something? Yeah…. Definitely something,” the large, terrifyingly structured, shadowy figure said using a very deep voice in an aggressive way, demanding to be heard. Micheal looked over his shoulder, and he saw that figure with that devilish with teeth ever so sharp and bright. As Micheal saw that thing, that whatever it was approach him, he quickly stepped back from fear of what it was and why it was here. “Something you don’t have is something you want, and that something you don’t want is what you have,” the figure says as he slowly walked towards to Micheal, one step at a time. “Something you love is actually something you hate, and something you hate is actually something you love. Something you desire is what you ignore, and something you ignore is what you desire. Something you expect surprises you, and something that surprises you is something you expect,” he said as he continuously walks slowly towards him. “That something…..Micheal…..,” he stopped walking since he was now very close to him. He lifted up his head, revealing his devilish smile, and puts his hand on Micheal’s shoulder. Then he continues to speak. “That something is me, Micheal,” he said in a very deep, rough voice with a venomously happy look on his face. “You may assume that I am just a monster, but no, Micheal. I am not just some monster…..You are. You are a monster for making me, for thinking about me so I can exist,” he said as he watched Micheal in horror, realizing how he is a monster, that Micheal knows that he is not any better than him. Micheal panics over how he is stuck with this monster, with himself forever until the end of his life. “So…..the one question I gotta ask is…..since I am going to stay with you for the rest of your entire life, do you have a restroom here. ‘Cause I gotta take a little ‘phit,’ if you know what I mean,” he said in a shockingly much more relaxed tone, yet with the same rough voice. Micheal said nothing. Micheal did nothing. But all he did was just walk towards his chair and sat down, staring at the far windows. Just doing nothing. “Okay, I’ll just chill over here. You know, relax, take this all in. Maybe do stuff. I don’t know. See ya in a few minutes, bro,” he said just walking around, as Micheal just stares and slowly cries, having to be with this monster, his monster forever and ever. “You have a dog? I was just asking because it smells like crap over here. Am I right, dude?” he said as he smelled what he thought was awful, and as Micheal still cried and stared in true horror. Being scared of the one thing that could ruin his life: Him. For he is his own monster for what he has done to himself.

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