Submitted by Eclipse
Create a story that ends with character saying “I’m not a traitor. I was never on your side.”
The Traitor
Today, I did NOT want to go to school..why do you ask? Well the most popular jock in school wants to fight me today in the cafeteria! Yeah, yeah, I know I should back down but honestly if I fight this dude and win, his bullying days will be over. Therefore if I back down..he’s gonna continue,
“Mom I’m heading to school!” I said with a confident voice,
I head out the door and on my way to school, I met up with my friend Jack and talked about the fight on the way.
“Jack are you gonna be on my side, I hope you’d be there?” I said with a confused look, but it wiped off when Jack said, “oh..I’ll be there alright!”
I mean..that’s good news, but I’m still a bit nervous
This guy is on the football team and I don’t wanna be the next one getting a concussion!
Vrmmm* there was a big school bus flying towards us, but when they got closer to us they stopped
“Hey Dalila, are you ready to lose” Tommy stated
Tommy was the big football jock I told you about earlier
“Wait Tommy, aren’t we supposed to do it during lunch, I mean-“ I said with a pause
“What are you scared little kitten” Tommy barked with fierce eyes
“Oh I’m not scared of you Tommy all you are is a lifeless little rat that should be living on the streets, for crying out loud!” I demanded.
Tommy looked a little hurt..but he was ready to fight
“Dalila, your weak as a flower, you’ll never win!” Tommy said after laughing with Jack
I looked behind Tommy, Jack, and his football team to see almost the whole school ready to record the disaster.
The rise of kids voices started skyrocketing as they yelled, “fight, fight, Fight, FIGHT!”
He took the first swipe and hit me in the face, it didn’t hurt but I remembered my dads words that moment as Tommy had hit me, “remember, if anyone hits you first during a fight..I give you permission to go all out!”
So..I did, I ran up to Tommy and jumped on his shoulders, I kept punching and smacking until I stopped hearing his deep growl.
He was swirling and trying to reach back but I stayed on like a lump of glue….
But then a moment struck me, I suddenly heard the voice of Jack..he was cheering for Tommy!
I couldn’t believe my rage kicked in.
I punched harder and kicked harder until I heard Jacks silent voice.
And when I did with one last kick, my foot lifted up and smacked into Tommy stomach causing him to fall to the ground.
A loud gasp came from the football team, students, teachers, and Jack.. but he wasn’t surprised, or scared, he was mad!
He walked over to me with devilish eyes, “ why did you do that Dalila!” Jack shrieked,
“What do you mean Jack.. your my friend, you were supposed to be on my side, and yet your cheering for my worst enemy, and the biggest bully at North high!” I screamed as I was raging with anger..I was going to explode
“Look Dalila, I’m sorry but-“ Jack said, as I cut him off
“ No Jack, don’t even give me that crap right now..your a traitor!” I screamed
Jack looked up at me and said, “I’m not a traitor. I was never on your side.”