The thing

There’s a monster under my bed

I can feel his presence

The heaviness of it makes it hard to breath

His red eyes glare at me

Waiting for me to drift to sleep

So he can snatch me and drag me with him to his hallow home

My eyes are shut now

He slithers out of the darkness

His body hovers over mine

Although my eyes are shut I know he is there waiting for me

I can feel his warm muggy breath on my skin

His long gruesome claws caress my tender arms

Leaving a trail of red scratches behind

The pain is unbearable, I wake up

My eyes are wide open

As soon as I laid eyes upon him I was petrified

His eyes are glowing red and filled with hatred

Maggots have eaten away his nose

His teeth are long, sharp, and are stained a terrible yellow

Worms maggots and spiders were creeping through the cracks

He places his greasy hand over my mouth before I could even make the tiniest of whimpers

His entire hand fit around my head while it still covered my mouth

Like this he dragged me to his home under my bed

I tried to move

To hold grab onto the covers, bed post, a loose floor board, but it was pointless

My body was paralyzed with fear

My mind kept screaming

Yelling at me to move, fight back, anything but lay there motionless

It was useless

This hideous thing was dragging back to his home and there is nothing I could do about it

Although terrified of my fate I kept my eyes open to see the last bit of light and hope before the utter darkness took over

All I could see now were his red eyes glaring back at me

We must of been there for an hour just staring at each other before he turned around away

Now all I could do was rely on my senses to help me figure out what was happening

I could hear a dreadful scraping, like chalk on a chalkboard

Then there was light and warmth.


For a second it brought me comfort

Then I saw it

A dual bladed-knife coming right toward me!

I was finally able to scream. I’ve never screamed this loud in my life. I knew my life was over right then and there.

I waited fore the pain. The coldness of death. Even the warmth of blood dripping down. It never came though. Instead I was shaking. I heard voices screaming my name. It was not coming from the hideous creature holding the knife.

“Billy! Wake up, you’re okay!”

My eyes opened

I was still screaming

Holding onto my stuffed bear

I looked around and saw my mom.

She held me tight as I cried into her arms

“Hush now it was just a dream”

I knew it wasn’t

Whatever that thing was would come back for me.

Next time I would be ready

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