Your character wakes up in hospital as the doctor is explaining that they have sustained a rare brain injury, and that from now on they will…
Decide what the consequence of the injury is and write a story about this character
So...what now?
She finally awoke from her 18 hour sleep, but with no memory of what happened. She was confused and angry that she had no idea where she was or why she was here. She was in pain. And a lot of it. As her mind trailed off into wild thoughts the doctors came creeping in. She couldn’t help but notice their expressions on their faces, they looked sad almost distraught but in a sorry kind of way. What was going on? Why did they look like this? As her mind was speeding off with more thoughts, the doctors opened their mouths and started to talk. The room was filling with an explosion of huge and complicated words that she thought were the reason to do with what had happened. But she still had no idea. She hated feeling this way. He anger was believing up inside her as she thought this. Without thinking she shot a question straight at the doctors interrupting them, “what the hell are you talking about?”, stunned by what they were asked, they knew they would have to explain it all more simply. A few minutes later, her facial expression turned from confused and angry to fury and distraught. The doctors noticed her expressions and decided to leave her alone, so slowly stepped out of the room. She couldn’t believe it. How did this happen?
As all of these questions rushed through her mind. She realised what the doctors had just told her. That she had a rare brain injury. They’ll try all then can to help. But they have no idea what they’re doing in other words. She had to stay under the supervision and care of the doctors for the rest of her life. Or what’s left of it anyway.
So...what now?