Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
The Secret Defender
I was known by many, but only to a certain extent, and innumerably questioned. Everyone had a vague sense of my presence, wether they chose to accept it or not, was their choice, but ultimately a part of my plan. Many call me evil, since I am often misunderstood because of the knowledge that many can not comprehend in this life. Some will never see that all that I have saved and torn has been for good. I am framed continually because many want my glory for themselves. I truly need no introduction. The rustling of leaves on the trees from spring to mid fall, the call of birds of all colors, shapes, and sizes, the whistle of the wind, and the feeling of it, sometimes quiet, sometimes harsh, but almost always there in the silence, the thunder and the rain, which are a blessing to some, but a curse when there is excess or when it is lacking, the waves of a crystal blue ocean against the soft golden sand and all the life inside it that watch this world as it slowly turns, the animals that are in wild areas across all continents as well as the animals in zoos, research centers, hospitals, vet clinics, shelters, homes, and maybe even in your home now, the graves and gravestones that are manmade hold humans of the past, some who lived like you, ate, walked, talked, hoped, loved, worked, all in similar ways, some who have lived different lives from you, some who have ended their own lives for reasons that were out of their hands, some for reasons that were in their hands, some who passed in horrific events, some who simply die because of old age, some who die of diseases, cancer, pneumonia, and others, some who die (and many say these are truly the heaviest caskets to carry, are children) are young adults, children, and babies, millions, if not trillions of babies don’t even have graves because they are aborted, the people that are alive jow, some living in the busiest cities, others living in remote places, and som in between, some working jobs, some homeless, some going to school, or college, some without the ability, some with mental illness, or trauma, some with what they believe to be perfect lives, some with families, many with friends, some without anyone at all, some are inspiring and helping others, while others are unable to, or have lost their will to, some who are on disability, or social security, or welfare, or struggling financially, some who have more money than they will ever spend, some who travel the world, and some who never make it out of their area, those who are from all races, and all religions - this is what the world is made up of, the animals, plants, and goods that are here, those of the past and their memories, those of the present and their hopes and dreams, in short, every living and non-living thing either has, does, or will call out my glory themselves saying “Yahweh, Yahweh, Glory to the Lamb who had been slain.” I have revealed myself in all and will ultimately be recognized for all. I reveal myself daily through my acts of grace, mercy, and love for all, both the just, and the unjust.