A School Without People

I look around at the empty chairs and empty tables. Only the teacher sat quietly at her desk looking over every now and again to see if I was okay.

The sun shines everyday, making the whole room have a sense of tranquil.

All the teachers knew who I was as, of course, I am the only student at the school. I wasn’t a stranger to anybody everyone knew who I was.

They knew I wasn’t good at reading or writing and they knew why. I never had to explain Myself to anyone.

It was always “Good morning Ellie” from everyone I passed and I was never afraid to say hello back to anyone.

It felt as if the sun was always out, making the days feel longer, but I didn’t mind. They always say that the sun shines in the righteous, so I guess that’s me.

Imagine a school with no bullying, no peer pressure, not comparison, nothing. Bliss. Just absolute bliss.

On summer days, the grass was a lush green and the trees full of leaves. On winter days, we were wrapped up in tartan scarves and big thick coats, sipping hot chocolate from flasks at break time.

If only the world were this kind.

If only

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