
Submitted by NeverNova72

Write a story or poem about the hardest decision your character is going to make

The decision does not have to be hard on the face of it; some may experience or see difficulties in tasks others may find easy

What Would You Do?

I finally get home, kick my heels off, and pick my best little boy, Rocco. As I’m loving on Rocco I take a look around my apartment. It’s small. Like really small. The smell of Nag Champa fills the air regularly. I look at the microwave clock, it’s 4:43 a.m.. I go to the refrigerator and pull out a beer. I don’t really care beer but I need something to take the edge off. The edge? Yes the fucking edge. I’ve been dealing with complete craziness all night. I’ll just be honest,I’m a struggling full-time student working as a dancer on the side. I mean we all have to make a living right? I’m sitting at my kitchen table completely baffled by what I witnessed tonight. I’m even more baffled by the offer I was given tonight. I’m crazy for even thinking about not accepting it. My phone dings. It’s Rich. He asked if I had an answer for him. It’s only been an hour since we last talked. Rich my most frequent customer. With him always asking for “private dances” I have gotten to know Rich pretty well, as vice versa. Rich still has me speechless which I did not believe it was possible. Usually during our sessions I talk about school and he talks about work. He’s always bragging about how good his paychecks are but how bad he gets boned in taxes. Thank God my tips are cash. Anyways last night Rich brought up how he got a promotion and is now the Co-CEO of a major business here in Chicago. I congratulated him with kiss on the cheek and a screech. Rich giggles and goes on to tell me about how he got a $35,000 bonus along with his promotion. He then got oddly quiet while receiving his dance. I asked him why he wasn’t more excited, especially after informing me of all the good news. Rich went on to express that he was just thinking. Rich then started to come off as nervous. He looked as if he was trying to think of what to say. Rich then says, “I know our relationship is just business but I would really like to pay for your schooling this year.” I was dumbfounded. I told Richard that my tuition was $20,000 a semester. Rich replied, “I know I also went there.” I asked him why he was willing to do this for me and what the catch was. Rich replies, “no catch, I just see a lot of potential in you.” I was flattered but how in the hell could I accept $40,000 from him!? I told him I would think about it. I finally pick up my phone and reply to Rich. I reply, “I accept your offer.” Rich then replies immediately with, “I lied early there is a catch... you’ll have to be mine and mine only.” I sat there at my table dumbfounded. What would you do?

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