Submitted by King Dee

Write a story about your biggest fear as a child

This story could be set in your childhood, or it could revolve around the fear in another setting.

Given To Fly

“Don’t go outside or the chickens will peck it off!”

That’s what my grandmother told a 4-year-old me standing there in crisp autumnal New England, wincing and bracing awkwardly in the backyard. Plastered in dead leaves with mittens on a string hanging by my side and an oversized Detroit Lions knit hat falling over my eyes, I made my way to the back deck to head back in. I believed her. I had no choice. I don’t know if that’s what made me afraid or not but who’s to say?

Cut to every time I went to a pet store. I just wanted to check out the animals. Not all of them. Maybe we just flushed some dead fish down the toilet and it was time to pick up a couple a more, a vicious cycle we all participated in. I just liked browsing. Browsing was always a hobby of mine. I had to stop when I got to the cages though.

Some were in cages. That was fine. Some of the cages were open. Some weren’t contained at all and flew from point A to point B and back again without even thinking how it might affect a frightened youngster who had been warned that they might peck it off. Subconsciously, it could’ve been that. I don’t think so. It was more than that. This was a new feeling. This was hatred. I hated them. I still do.

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