In a society where everyone has a carefully-matched arranged marriage, your character is the first person who wants to marry for love.

She Craves Love

January stood in the mirror of the bridal dress shop, staring at herself in a luxurious white gown. The gems sparkle and twinkle in the fluorescent overhead lights, the girls waist snatched in a tight corset giving her an hourglass sharp and the heart shape neckline displaying her cleavage.

The skirt flowed behind, covered in lace with patterns of flowers, it was a dress a girl could imagine getting married in, one that could only be seen in movies. It is a beautiful, but as January started at herself, a smile did not shine in her face.

Getting married isn’t a joyful occasion. Simply a job to keep the poor population down. Marry rich and all the problems go away. January knew that the idea of being matched with your “perfect” partner was a load of bull. The rich have a hand in the matching pool.

It’s a ploy they use to make sure people agree with the arrange marriages. What happened to marring someone out of love? January used to read such heart warming books and watch tear jerking movies of such. Does that kind of love no longer exist? Had we all just become numb to such a thing? Fairytales had to hold some truth.

The bride-to-be knew love is what separated the humans from other mammals. Well, that and opposable thumbs. January’s brows frown and her mother quickly approaches to scold her.

“Frowning causes wrinkles, men don’t desire that.”

The girl frowns deeper “My man shouldn’t care about my looks, I should be marrying him for love not because of money.” The girl grumbles while her mother fusses over her gown, fluffing and making it tighter around her waist.

“Hush child, love doesn’t pay the bills.” Her mother waves her hand, the hand that has calluses from her hard labored job. Her clothes were either outdated, torn, or didn’t fit her probably. All their clothes did. Her family had to makeshift clothes out of old blankets or curtains, when the Duke agreed to marry her; her family had a bath for the first time in months, clean clothes and fresh food on the table. The girl wished to marry for love, but she didn’t wish to see her family continue to suffer.

January’s mother had married for the same reason, but when her father died she ended up back in poverty. However she had become too old to rewed. Despite trying to keep up a young appearance, aging still caught up with her. Splashes of grays in her brown hair, laugh lines and crows feet prominent. Her daughter, January, was the perfect contender and the Duke showed interest. The woman’s movements were egger as she surveyed her daughter and smiled up at her.

“I know you don’t agree with this, but we’ll be so much better off. You’ll grow to love him over time.” Her mother stated.

Doubtful, considered they never met.

“Money doesn’t buy happiness mother.” January responded, remembering a line from a book she read.

“That’s because you never had it. Imagine not going to bed hungry, or having a bath just because you wanted one.”

“Marriage is about love, not whatever this is! I don’t care about money mother, you do!” January snaps at her mother, it’s the first time her voice has ever risen and the first time she has gone against her mothers wishes. The feeling rushed through her and she’s never felt more free. Her mother can make her do anything else, but not this. Her heart, her love for someone she will have control over.


“No mother!” The girl steps off the pedestal, gathering the dress in her hands, half tempted to rip it. “I’m not marring the Duke, I don’t love him and he will never have my hand!”

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