When We Fall Apart

And then the door closed. It felt like a closed door. A finality to something that never started.

“Come back,” she whispered, “come back.” And though she knew he heard her that he still walked away, that he no longer cared, that nothing in the world mattered more than this single moment, and she knew. She knew she couldn’t open that door again because what might come back in wouldn’t be the same. And she didn’t call out to him, but a part of him that used to loved her. She felt her heart race a thousand miles she felt the tears leave a trail down her face. But then she no longer felt her heart race - it was too heavy- it was snapped in two it rose up her throat like a swollen rock and her eyes closed.

Come back, come back, come back come back. Her thoughts were scattered, no longer comprehensive, she didn’t know if she was standing or sitting everything hurt so so bad, her eyes were dried out but her face was moist and her hands were still in her hair trying to make sense of it.

She broke down into pieces, her world was falling apart no, that couldn’t be true she never loved him, never allowed herself to fall that hard, she saw the red flags, she stayed away... right?

Windows froze and shattered around her, curtains caught on fire, tears turned to ash, objects started to float. She stood - or was she already standing?- and everything was normal again. She ran her hands through her hair her eyes were clouded, nothing made sense anymore. Every thought that raced through her mind was rushed and ... and she was falling apart. So desperately falling apart.

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