In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?

The Mix-Up

As I see the awaiting crowd, my chest closes in on itself.

Where was I?

There were cameras everywhere and people filling every seat. I clench my hands into fists to stop them from shaking as someone walks up to me.

It was a man with short black hair and glasses. He was beaming at me with a strange twinkle in his eye, I assumed this person was rather important to whatever the hell I was doing up on this stage.

“Ready for this, Hannah?” the man asked, his beaming smile still staying plastered on his face as he scrunches his nose to push up his glasses.

Hannah? That wasn’t my name.. wait. I had seen this happen in dozens of Sci-Fi movies. I clench my hands harder as my fingernails dig into my skin, almost breaking through.

I had switched bodies with someone named Hannah.

“Now, just remember.” The man clears his throat. “All you have to talk about is the meaning of life. Should be rather easy, right?” His beaming smile remains as he laughs slightly. I laugh weakly so I don’t seem utterly clueless.

Then, in a few moments, the crowd silences as I walk up to the podium.

I slow my breathing. I had done many presentations in my Oral Communications class, I could do this.

I had to do this.

Then, just as I open my mouth to speak, I jolt up out of my bed, where I had been before I switched bodies with Hannah.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I switch to a channel on my TV and see the real Hannah, speaking more fluidly than I ever could, to the audience. Their eyes were just as enticed as they had been when I was there, they could’ve heard anything fly out of my

mouth and thought I was some genius.

I laugh to myself as I realize how foolish that would’ve been, for me to step up and actually talk about the meaning of life like I actually was a philosopher.

Thank God I’m not.

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