How did I get here?

I remember when I was little maybe around four or five, I had many moments of being left alone

I was curious of course being so young

I woke up from a nap , looking around and everyone was gone.

My mom , my dad, my brothers , my cat

I wasn’t scared really

I thought maybe they forgot about me?

Maybe they went to the beach?

I look in the fridge and nothing but a glass bottle of milk

Im hungry but nothing else is around

I am too short to reach for anything else.

Where are my parents?

I turn on the TV, dukes of Hazard is on

I love this show

My first crush , wishing they would save me

My family wasn’t really religious yet they were spiritual , in their own way

I see a bible , a small one , like a little address book I thought.

Where did this come from ?

I hadn’t seen this before

I flip the pages and feel the miniature words on the small pages breeze on my little face

Maybe this book knows something

I did it get here? I liked how small it was and could fit in my pocket. I liked to draw a lot.

I took a marker and. Drew faces in this new sketchbook of mine, I liked how the ink bled threw the thin pages.

I go outside and still no one,

I feel ok and see a bicycle tyre, maybe my brothers went on a bike ride ? But it was night time.

I start to wonder why I’m alone, will it always be this way? Do I need to go to my neighbors.

A string of balloons shiny and silver come down as if an Invisible angel brought them to me.

Thanks! I say

I blink a few times , is this real?

I then wake up, it was all a dream.

Part memory , part dream

But which parts were true ?

I go to the kitchen and get coffee

Feeling foggy

These memories are tricky

They blend with the mystery

I dream, then dream again

All to wonder where it all began

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