Submitted by CSW

Death’s favourite human comes to visit. The young girl has a medical condition where her heart stops for a few minutes every once in awhile. Death is the girl’s favourite friend.


“Uhh.. just go to your left, you should see the door there.”

Death does his job well, directing people into certain death or revival. This recent customer, Bob something, was certain that he will be revived but Death saw that there was no chance. He had no clue that the door on his left leads to certain death, yet he still walked through. Humans, what a strange concept; Death thought aloud, even though there was no one there to hear.

He was impatient, as tonight he went through his customers super fast. The night clearly seemed long for him, as you can tell from his many sighs and gnarly comments toward the blank air around him. Tonight was different, it was special to him. He started stressing when the line of customers came to an end, signaling that it’s almost daytime. If she didn’t come, that means she didn’t die. And if she didn’t die, she might have been cured. He secretly doesn’t want that, even though it’s what’s best for her.

Tragically, for her, at least, she came back. You wouldn’t think that Death himself would ever own such a huge smile, but there it was.

“Now, let’s make this quick, shall we? We only have a few minutes!”

“I have so much I wanna tell you! So, first, I started second grade last month!! I made soooo much new friends and I don’t have much homework, just some colouring sheets, and my teachers are really nice!!! And, my mommy told me that if my heart stops again she would give me ice cream after!! And look at my teddy bear, her name is…”

This scenario plays out every 6 or so months, where Emily’s heart fails and she is sent to Deaths office, but stays for only a few minutes before getting revived. These are the best moments in Deaths long, lonely days, but some of the worst for Emily and her family. These things come as traumatic to humans, but Death can’t help but find joy in these moments. But just like that, the light takes her, and she is revived. Death is all alone again. He already wishes she would be back.

No one believes that anything could exceed infinity, just like how no one believed that Emily could exceed life, even after so many heart failures.

Emily is now a grown woman, studying to become a doctor, just like the ones that helped her everytime when her heart stopped. They still see each other, but the gaps in between have grown so long that it made Death go insane.

“I can’t believe I only see you for every 3 years now. I feel like i’m going insane when your away now.”

“Heh, that’s very sweet of you. What would you do if I had been cured then, I wonder?”

“Well, I hope that never happens then.” Death gives a small smile, but after seeing Emily’s reaction he quickly realizes what he said. “I-Im sorry, i didn’t mean it like tha-“

“You really mean that.. don’t you?” Her beautiful face is being ruined with mixed emotions of all kinds, as Death sits and contemplates what he truly wants. He wants to see her, but he also wants what’s best for her. In this case, he can’t have both.

“You know, if you only care about yourself, maybe you don’t deserve to see me. Maybe, I should make my heart stop for good. How’s that sound, huh?”


“Too late, i’ve already made up my mind. See you tomorrow.” She closes her eyes as the light takes her again.

This was the only time you would ever see Death dreading the day Emily would come. But she came. The two of them waited silently for the light, dreading the moment where the supposed infinity turns to infinity and one.

And just like that, the light takes her, and she is dead. For good.

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